Monday, December 12, 2011

eLearning11: Supporting learner pathways

Allison Miller, NVELS


The Learner Pathways Business Activity is part of the new 2012-2015 National VET E-learning Strategy and aims to assist learners pursue educational pathways, through e-portfolio tools to manage their learning evidence, a framework of guidelines for a national e-portfolio approach, and e-learning programs for higher qualifications.       
This session will share how organisations can implement strategies to support their clients reach their personal, professional and career development goals through innovative-technology based programs for areas such as e-portfolios, electronic learner records, RPL, e-assessment, workforce development, attracting and retaining disadvantaged/non-traditional learners or learners with a disability, and the integration of articulation and credit transfer programs.

Download mp3 file (43 mins)


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FlickR images of the day

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