Monday, December 12, 2011

eLearning11: NBN Panel session

Panel facilitator

Robby Weatherley - Director, Workforce Development, TAFE NSW - Sydney Institute

Panel members

Sabiene Heindl - Senior Advisor, Stakeholder Relations, NBNCo
Dennis Price - Chief idea architect, Ganador Management Solutions
Dean Groom - Writer, teacher educator & Head of Educational Development, Macquarie University
Sam Meredith - Director EduONE project, TAFE NSW New England Institute, Armidale Campus


Panel session covering the NBN, the potential of high speed broadband and potential considerations/issues we as educators need to consider.

Download mp3 file (52 mins)


Australia's NBN
At home with the NBN
A day made of glass


Conference connections

Twitter #nswelearning11
Archive of the day's tweets
FlickR images of the day

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