Monday, October 29, 2007

Go Virtual 07!: Keynote: Virtual Worlds - Trends and Opportunities

Sean presnting in Adobe Connect & SecondLife
image by sridgway

Download the MP3 file (1:07 hrs 15.3 Mb)


Presentation by Sean FitzGerald (aka Sean McDunnough in Second Life) to the NSW LearnScope regional event, Go Virtual 07! 24th September 2007, Wollongong

Jo Kay (MC) aka jokay Wollongong in SL

The number of virtual worlds and the population within them is increasing at a rapid rate. Many predict that virtual worlds will present a major shift in the way we communicate, interact, socialise and collaborate online. The generation growing up today will be familiar with interacting in virtual worlds, and may come to prefer them as a way of communicating online. In his keynote Sean will provide an overview of current trends in virtual worlds and take a look at some the opportunities and challenges that virtual worlds present for education.

Links Relevant to the podcast:

NSW LearnScope wiki event page

flickr images from the day

Second Life in Education wiki

jokaydia SLURL

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