Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Voxpop @ the ICVET Conference with Susan Mansley & Margaret Westcott

Voxpop @ the ICVET "The Learning Powerhouse" Conference, Australian Technology Park, Sydney 4 Aug. 2006 with Stepan Ridgway, Susan Mansley & Margaret Westcott @ the TAFE NSW Libraries Stand.

TAFE NSW Libraries Stand
image by sridgway

Download the MP3 file (445 Kb, 1:54 mins)

Links Relevant to the podcast:

ICVET "The Learning Powerhouse" Conference website

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1 comment:

Margaret Westcott said...

I was really delighted with the interview/ always nervous about listening to oneself. It is a fabulous blogspot and I will look at it further and have a go putting a link from our Outreach (Meadowbank) Blog to this blogg so we can all take a look. Great Work. Margaret Westcott